
A banner displays an important message which requires an action to be dismissed.

Page Summary

A banner displays an important, succinct message, and provides actions for users to address (or dismiss the banner). It requires a user action to be dismissed.

Banners should be displayed at the top of the screen, below a top app bar. They’re persistent and nonmodal, allowing the user to either ignore them or interact with them at any time. Only one banner should be shown at a time

Banner light Banner dark

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development


No button

ODSBanner(text: "One to two lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.",
         imageSource: .image(Image("ods_empty", bundle: Bundle.ods)))

One button

The button is placed under the text.

ODSBanner(text: "One to two lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.",
         imageSource: .image(Image("ods_empty", bundle: Bundle.ods))) {
             Button("Button") {
                 // your action here

Two buttons

Button are placed under the text.

ODSBanner(text: "One to two lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.",
         imageSource: .image(Image("ods_empty", bundle: Bundle.ods))) {
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here
} secondButton: { 
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here

Without image

ODSBanner(text: "One to two lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.") {
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here
} secondButton: { 
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here

With image from url

let placeholder = Image("ods_empty", bundle: Bundle.ods)
let url = URL(string: "")

ODSBanner(text: "One to two lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.",
         imageSource: .asyncImage(url, placeholder)) {
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here
} secondButton: { 
    Button("Button 1") {
        // your action here